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XSetup plugin | 2001-03-17 | 3.3 KB | 131 lines |
- "FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 6.0"
- "TYPE"="6"
- "COUNT"="4"
- "UIPATH"="Appearance\Interface\Effects"
- "NAME"="Windows FX Options #2"
- "VERSION"="1.00"
- "LANGUAGE"="VBScript"
- "TEXT 1"="Show menu shortcuts underlined"
- "TEXT 2"="Animate menu appearing"
- "TEXT 3"="Animate combobox appearing"
- "TEXT 4"="Animate listbox and combobox scrolling"
- "DESCRIPTION 1"="Note: Not all of these options will work on your computer, and they may make your system much slower."
- "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
- "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com"
- "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
- "COMMENT 1"="Thanks to the german magazine c't (http://www.heise.de/ct/) for the description!"
- '0x20 = Menues underlindes
- c_ValMenuUnderlined=&H20
- '0x02 = Animate Menu
- c_ValMenuAnimated=&H02
- '0x04 = Animate Combobox
- c_ValComboAnimated=&H04
- '0x08 = Animate Scroll Listboxes/Comboboxes
- c_ValScrollAnimated=&H08
- Sub Plugin_Initialize
- if RegValueExists(UPM_GetUPMRegPath) then
- if UPM_IsValueActivated(c_ValMenuUnderlined)=true then
- Call SetUIElement(1,true)
- end if
- if UPM_IsValueActivated(c_ValMenuAnimated)=true then
- Call SetUIElement(2,true)
- end if
- if UPM_IsValueActivated(c_ValComboAnimated)=true then
- Call SetUIElement(3,true)
- end if
- if UPM_IsValueActivated(c_ValScrollAnimated)=true then
- Call SetUIElement(4,true)
- end if
- else
- Call Disable
- end if
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
- b=GetUIElement(1)
- Call UPM_SwitchValue(c_ValMenuUnderlined,b)
- b=GetUIElement(2)
- Call UPM_SwitchValue(c_ValMenuAnimated,b)
- b=GetUIElement(3)
- Call UPM_SwitchValue(c_ValComboAnimated,b)
- b=GetUIElement(4)
- Call UPM_SwitchValue(c_ValScrollAnimated,b)
- Call Logoff()
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_Terminate
- End Sub
- '----------------------------------------------------
- '*** UPM (UserPrefenceMask) Functions Version 1.0 ***
- '----------------------------------------------------
- Function UPM_GetUPMRegPath
- if GetWinVer=1 or GetWinVer=3 or GetWinVer=5 then '95/98/ME
- UPM_GetUPMRegPath="HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferenceMask"
- else 'NT/2K/XP (?)
- UPM_GetUPMRegPath="HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferencesMask"
- end if
- End Function
- Function UPM_IsValueActivated(ValueInHEX)
- UPM_s=RegReadValue(UPM_GetUPMRegPath)
- UPM_s=CStr(UPM_s)
- UPM_s=left(UPM_s,2) 'extract first byte
- UPM_sV="&H" & UPM_s 'convert to HEX
- if UPM_sV and ValueInHEX then
- UPM_IsValueActivated=true
- else
- UPM_IsValueActivated=false
- end if
- End Function
- Sub UPM_SwitchValue(ValueInHEX,BoolActivated)
- b=UPM_IsValueActivated(ValueInHEX)
- if b=true and BoolActivated=true then
- 'do nothing, value already activated
- else
- if b=false and BoolActivated=false then
- 'do nothing, value already deactivated
- else
- UPM_sAll=RegReadValue(UPM_GetUPMRegPath)
- UPM_sAll=CStr(UPM_sAll)
- UPM_s=left(UPM_sAll,2) 'extract first byte
- UPM_sV="&H" & UPM_s
- if BoolActivated=true then
- UPM_sV=UPM_sV+ValueInHEX
- else
- UPM_sV=UPM_sV-ValueInHEX
- end if
- UPM_s=Hex(UPM_sV) & right(UPM_sAll,len(UPM_sAll)-2)
- Call RegWriteValue(UPM_GetUPMRegPath,UPM_s,3)
- end if
- end if
- End Sub